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Project 1

Movie Poster
Presentation1 1-page-001.jpg

This movie shows When anger and rage takes over, one is unstoppable. After trying to get justice for the murder of his family and constantly failing, John Wick decided to take matters in his own hands and get his revenge, there was no stopping him. All that was left with him was his dog and he didn't care about anything else in the world. He burnt down the entire city, the same city that took his family from him, he burnt it down without an iota of fear or regret. That's what rage does to a human being, that's what not getting justice does, that's what happens when you lose yourself and do not care about anybody else then. In the end, it was him and his dog against the world.


movie poster 1-page-001.jpg

Project 2 (A)

Model Making

design model-page-001.jpg
design model-page-002.jpg
design model-page-003.jpg
design model-page-004.jpg

Project 2 (B)

Orthographic Drawings

project 2b-page-001.jpg
project 2b-page-002.jpg





project 2b-page-003.jpg

Floor Plan



Project 2 (C)

Farnsworth House - Axonometric Drawing

axonometric final-page-001.jpg

Project 2 (D)

perspective drawings final-page-002.jpg

Farnsworth House - Perspective Drawing

perspective drawings final-page-001.jpg
WhatsApp Image 2020-12-07 at 9.36.51 PM.

Project 3

-Presentation Board-


Tutorials & Exercises

Scan 31 Aug 2020 pt-page-001.jpg

Happiness for me is many things, but the happiest I get is when I am around  buildings, nature, all in all, everything to do with the exterior world. I drew buildings, roads and mountains because that is what is self expression for me, my happy place.



Scan 06 Sep 2020 q1-page-001.jpg
tutorial 4. ( scale and coloring media )
Scan 13 Sep 2020 hatching-page-001.jpg

Self Reflection

Design Communication has been one of the most fascinating and fun modules that I have done. This is not to say that it did not come bearing it's fair share of limitations. Initially, I found this subject extremely tough due to the mode of studying being online. I was not coping up well as I was new to this but with time, I started understanding this module better. It improved my sense of design and enlightened me with the fundamentals of design while also making it effective. 


This module helped me a lot to recognize my inners elf and work on it to make myself better at the mistakes that I've made so that I come back better than before.

Thankyou to Miss Filzani for the insightful lectures.
Special thankyou for Miss Carol for giving me special attention and always helping me whenever i needed help.

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